Strain induced spin phenomena in electrical steels
The overall goal of the project is the characterization of the magneto-mechanical interaction in electrical steels. Magneto Optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) Microscopy enables the investigation of the magnetic domain structure (MDS) including dynamic domain wall movement which is to be correlated with measurements of global magnetic properties by the 3MA-sensor. This allows the investigation of the interactions of strain induced changes in microstructure and magnetic properties during static and dynamic loading. Furthermore temperature induced changes of mechanical and magnetic properties are determined experimentally. These investigations will be performed on grain-oriented (GOES), non-oriented (NOES) as well as additively manufactured electrical steels (AMES).

Das Projekt wird von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) im Rahmen des SFB/TRR 173 "Spin+X in seiner kollektiven Umgebung" gefördert.