Surface condition influence on the quasi-static and cyclic deformation and damage behavior of TRIP / TWIP steels
The aim of this work is to improve fatigue and wear resistance of high-strength, high-ductile TRIP / TWIP steels through their deformation-induced martensite and twin formation properties. In particular, we are examining the influence of surface morphology on the fatigue behavior of metastable austenitic MnALSi steels in the High Cycle Fatigue and Very High Cycle Fatigue ranges. In addition to macroscale processing, we are using micro and fine scale machining to generate the surface morphologies. Based on experiments, the relationship between surface generation, resulting surface morphology and behavior for TRIP / TWIP steels will be established for targeted surface processing.

The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the Collaborative Research Centre 926 "Component Surfaces".