Investigation of the flow and structure mechanical behavior of filter media and filter elements in operation

Contact: Vanessa Puderbach

Funding: AiF

The iGF project 20859N dealt with the investigation of many different filter media. The filter medium samples were first mechanically investigated for their structural properties. Then, the flow induced deformation tests were performed experimentally and numerically. A new flow-through test plant was designed in which deformation was measured using a confocal chromatic distance sensor. Coupling of fluid mechanics (CFD) and structural mechanics (CSM) was performed in the numerical simulation. The results show good agreement between the simulation and experiments. The research results were obtained in cooperation with the Fraunhofer ITWM. We would like to thank the research institution Forschungs-Gesellschaft Verfahrens-Technik e.V. - GVT for funding this research project and we thank all participating companies for their support. For more information visit the AiF website:

AiF website.