Dr.-Ing. Vassilios Yfantis

E-Mail: vassilios.yfantis(at)mv.uni-kl.de

Telefon: +49 631 205-5912

Raum: 42-268


Vassilios Yfantis studierte Chemieingenieurwesen an der Technische Universität Berlin und der Technischen Universität Dortmund. In seiner Masterarbeit beschäftigte er sich mit der optimalen Produktionsplanung industrieller Formulierungsanlagen. Von April 2018 bis März 2019 beschäftigte er sich als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Technischen Universität Dortmund im Rahmen des EU-Projektes "Improved energy and resource efficiency by better coordination of production in the process industries" (CoPro) mit der optimalen Produktionplanung flexibler Produktionsanlagen aus der Konsumgüterindustrie. Seit Januar 2020 ist er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Werkzeugmaschinen und Steuerungen tätig.



Vassilios Yfantis beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema der verteilten Optimierung. Dieses findet Anwednungen in den Bereichen der modellprädiktiven Regelung, der Produktionsplanung, des Demand-Side Managements und im maschinellen Lernen.




V. Yfantis, M. Ruskowski, A Hierarchical Dual Decomposition-based Distributed Optimization Algorithm combining Quasi-Newton Steps and Bundle Methods, 2022. 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Link

V. Yfantis, W. Motsch, N. Bach, A. Wagner, M. Ruskowski, Optimal Load Control and Scheduling through Distributed Mixed-integer Linear Programming, 2022. 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Link

V. Yfantis, N. Gafur, A. Wagner, M. Ruskowski, Hierarchical Distributed Model Predictive Control based on Dual Decomposition and Quadratic Approximation, 2022. 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Link

N. Gafur, L. Weber, V. Yfantis, A. Wagner, M. Ruskowski, Dynamic path planning and reactive scheduling for a robotic manipulator using nonlinear model predictive control, 2022. 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Link Experimental results video

V. Yfantis, A. Babskiy, C. Klanke, M. Ruskowski, S. Engell, An Improved Optimization Model for Scheduling of an Industrial Formulation Plant based on Integer Linear Programming, 2022. 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 2021+. Link

S. Jungbluth, N. Gafur, J. Popper, V. Yfantis, M. Ruskowski, Reinforcement Learning-based Scheduling of a Job-Shop Process with Distributedly Controlled Robotic Manipulators for Transport Operations, 2022. IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (2), 156-162. Link

N. Gafur, V. Yfantis, M. Ruskowski, Optimal scheduling and non-cooperative distributed model predictive control for multiple robotic manipulators, 2021. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Link

J. Popper, V. Yfantis, M. Ruskowski, Simultaneous Production and AGV Scheduling using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning, 2021. Procedia CIRP 104, 1523-1528. Link

C. Klanke, V. Yfantis, F. Corominas, S. Engell, Short-term scheduling of make-and-pack processes in the consumer goods industry using discrete-time and precedence-based MILP models, 2021. Computers and Chemical Engineering 154, 107453. Link

C. Klanke, D.R. Bleidorn, V. Yfantis, S. Engell, Combining Constraint Programming and Temporal Decomposition Approaches - Scheduling of an Industrial Formulation Plant, 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 12735 LNCS, pp. 133-148. Link

V. Yfantis, S. Büscher, C. Klanke, F. Corominas, S. Engell, A Two-stage Simulated Annealing-based Scheduling Algorithm for a Make-and-Pack Production Plant, 2020. IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 10779-10784. Link

A. Tika, N. Gafur, V. Yfantis, N. Bajcinca, Optimal Scheduling and Model Predictive Control for Trajectory Planning of Cooperative Robot Manipulators, 2020. IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 9080-9086. Link

N. Bajcinca, M.V.A. Pedrosa, V. Yfantis, Mixed-Integer Model Predictive Control of Hybrid Impulsive Linear Systems, 2020. IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 6775-6780. Link

C. Klanke, V. Yfantis, F. Corominas, S. Engell, Scheduling of a Large-scale Industrial Make-and-Pack Process with Finite Intermediate Buffer using Discrete-time and Precedence-based Models, 2020. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 48, 1153-1158. Link

V. Yfantis, F. Corominas, S. Engell, Scheduling of a Consumer Goods Production Plant with Intermediate Buffer by Decomposition and Mixed-integer Linear Programming, 2019. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), 1837-1842. Link

A.P. Elekidis, V. Yfantis, F. Corominas, M.C. Georgiadis, S. Engell, Optimal Production Scheduling in the Packaged Consumer Goods Industry, 2019. 12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering & 5th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology – ECCE12/ECAB5, 15.09-19.09 Florence, Italy. Link

V. Yfantis, T. Siwczyk, M. Lampe, N. Kloye, M. Remelhe, S. Engell, Iterative Medium-Term Production Scheduling of an Industrial Formulation Plant, 2019. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 46, 19-24. Link

S. Wenzel, V. Yfantis, W. Gao, Comparison of Regression Data Selection Strategies for Quadratic Approximation in RTO, 2017. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 40, 1711-1716. Link