Dr.-Ing. Damun Mollahassani Madjdabadi
Lehrstuhl für Virtuelle Produktentwicklung
Gebäude 42, Raum 469
E-mail: damun.mollahassani(at)mv.rptu.de
Telefon: +49 631 - 205 5201
Arbeitsgebiete / Forschungsthemen
Herr Mollahassani Madjdabadi, geb. 1994, hat an der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern Maschinenbau mit den Schwerpunkten Konstruktion und Maschinenkonstruktion studiert. In Rahmen seiner Abschlussarbeit am VPE beschäftigte er sich mit der Entwicklung einer Methode zum Vergleich von Systemen mit gleicher Funktionalität in Hinblick auf ihren Kundennutzen. Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt im Bereich Model-Based Systems Engineering.
- GENIAL! (2018-2024)
Gemeinsame ElektroNik Roadmap für Innovationen der AutomobiLen Wertschöpfungskette! - TRANSFORM(2021-2024)
Trusted European SiC Value Chain for a greener Economy
- MOLLAHASSANI, D., BOSSE. R., GÖBEL, J.C.: “Asset Administration Shells in the Context of Catena-X in a MBSE Case Study of SysML and PREEvision” prostep ivip SYMPOSIUM 2024
- MOLLAHASSANI, D., BECKER, M., GÖBEL, J.C., "Enabling Ontology-based Knowledge Linking in Smart Product Innovation Processes" In: PLM24 IFIP 21st International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 8 July 2024
- JURESA, Y., MOLLAHASSANI, D., and GÖBEL, J.C.: “Addressing Circularity Strategies by Reconfiguring Smart Products during their Lifecylce”. 15th International Scientific Conference Management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 04.-06. June 2024, Tehnicki glasnik/Technical Journal (forthcoming), https://dx.doi.org/10.31803/tg-20240516125344.
- MOLLAHASSANI, D., GÖBEL, J.C. “Systems Engineering Approach supporting Knowledge-based Collaboration within Value Creation Networks during the Innovation Phase and SysML v2 based Realization.” OMG Meeting Orlando, 20. Jun. 2023
- MOLLAHASSANI, D., JURESA, Y., EICKHOFF, T., GÖBEL, J.C., "Ansatz zur Kollaboration in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk-zentrierten Innovationsprozessen Smarter Produkte" In: SSP 2023 Proceedings Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung, Stuttgart, Germany, 25 May 2023, http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-13131
- MOLLAHASSANI, D., EICKHOFF, T., JURESA, Y. , GÖBEL, J.C.: “Knowledge Collaboration Approach in Smart Product Innovation Networks”, 33rd CIRP Design Conference, Sydney, Australia, 17.-19. Mai 2023, Procedia CIRP, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2023.02.158
- MOLLAHASSANI, D., BOSSE. R., GÖBEL, J.C.: “Analysis of SysML-based Product Development Collaborations in Cross-Company Value Creation Networks” prostep ivip SYMPOSIUM 2023
- GRIMM, C., MOLLAHASSANI, D. SysMD: From Industrial Stakeholder Requirements to Model-Based Consistency Checking of SysML v2 Models OMG Meeting Austin, 08. Dez. 2022
- MOLLAHASSANI, D., EICKHOFF, T., EIDEN, A., GÖBEL, J.C.: “Wissensbasis zur Förderung von Innovationen Smarter PSS innerhalb eines Wertschöpfungsnetzwerkes”, Tag des Systems Engineering, Paderborn, Germany, 16.-18. November 2022, In: Tag des Systems Engineering 2022, ISBN-13: 9783981880588
- MOLLAHASSANI, D.: Model-based Engineering Methodology including an open IT Integration Approach based on Standards for supporting Engineering Collaboration in integrated Silicon Carbide (SiC) Value Networks. OMG Meeting Burlingame, 19. Sep. 2022
- GRIMM, C., MOLLAHASSANI, D. SysMD: Experiences from using KerML for inclusive modeling and consistency checking of innovation roadmaps. OMG Meeting Orlando, 21. Jun. 2022
- MOLLAHASSANI, D., GRIES, J., FORTE, S. and GÖBEL, J.C.: “Supporting Collaborative Innovation Processes in Smart Product Value Creation Networks”, 32nd CIRP Design Conference, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 28.-30. März 2022, Procedia CIRP, 2022,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2022.05.261
- HEER, C., GÖBEL, J.C.,MOLLAHASSANI, D.,FORTE, S.: "Future Collaboration Ecosystem for Automotive Microelectronic Innovation Processes", ELIV 2021, Seite 295 - 308, VDI Wissensforum GmbH (Hrsg.), VDI-Berichte, Band 2384, 1. Auflage 2021, doi:10.51202/9783181023846-295
- FORTE, S., MOLLAHASSANI, D..Supporting Automotive Innovations in Future Value Networks by a MBSE driven Roadmapping Approach. prostep ivip SYMPOSIUM 2021
- MOLLAHASSANI, D., FORTE, S., GÖBEL, J.C.Integration von Mission Profiles in die modellbasierte Systementwicklung zur Förderung der Kollaboration in automobilen Wertschöpfungsnetzen. In: SSP 2021 Proceedings Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung, Stuttgart, Germany, 20 May 2021, ISSN: 2364-4885, http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-1147
- MOLLAHASSANI, D.GENIAL!-Research Approach: Integrating Mission Profiles in Automotive Innovation Processes. OMG Meeting Virtual, 12. Dez. 202
- MOLLAHASSANI, D.GENIAL!-Research Approach: Integrating Mission Profiles in Automotive Innovation Processes. OMG Meeting Long Beach, 12. Dez. 2019
- MOLLAHASSANI, D. Research Project GENIAL: SysML as Core Component of a Knowledge-Based Platform Supporting Roadmapping in the early Phases of Integrated Microelectronic Innovation Processes in the Automotive. OMG Meeting Amsterdam, 17. Apr. 201
- APOSTOLOV, H.;MOLLAHASSANI, D.Current Status of SysML Model Interchange between Common Modeling Tools via XMI – A Practical Study. INCOSE EMEA SECTOR SYSTEMS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE 2018 / GfSE Tag des Systems Engineering 2018, November 5-7 2018, Berlin.