Study on SysML - based Collaboration within Value creation networks

2023, Masterarbeit, Choudhari Shruti

Betreuung durch Dipl.-Ing. Damun Mollahassani Madjdabadi


The Systems modelling language (SysML) from Object Management Group (OMG) has gained a lot of traction for Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) applications in recent years. Although SysML is intended towards facilitating communication among different stakeholders involved in the development of a complex system, its role in facilitating cross-enterprise collaborations remains unexplored in literature. Extending beyond the traditional supply-chain and value-chain, the requirements for exchanging tangibles as well as intangibles in a valuecreation network also remain unidentified. This study conducted in collaboration with Technische Universität Kaiserslautern and Prostep ivip group aims at investigating the feasibility of using SysML as a tool for collaborating within value networks. For this purpose, surveys in the form of semi-structured interviews were conducted with key informants from selected member organisations of the SysML-Workflow Forum of prostep ivip. The organisations were selected such that each level of the automotive industry’s value network (OEM tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3) could be represented. The questions in the survey were aimed at identifying the status quo and the main challenges involved in adopting SysML for collaborating within value networks. This would result in a set of requirements of SysML and corresponding tools to enable cross-enterprise collaborations. A qualitative analysis of the data obtained was done to evaluate the results. Findings suggest that there are potential usecases and benefits of using SysML in the context of collaboration if certain operational challenges are mitigated. Once a discussion on different applications of SysML is triggered, appropriate solutions can be sought to overcome the current limitations of SysML language as well as tools.