Untersuchung der Potentiale von Rekonfiguration im Rahmen serviceorientierter Geschäftsmodelle in der Automobilindustrie

2022, Projektarbeit, Schäfer Daniel Philipp

Betreuung durch Dipl.-Ing. M.Sc. Thorwin Böhm


In the course of digitalization, vehicles are also becoming increasingly intelligent, networked and integrated into Internet-based services. A car is therefore a smart product that has the potential to enable a wide range of new integrated functions and services. In addition to new technical possibilities such as autonomous driving, there are also other opportunities to integrate these new functions into existing business models or to set up completely new business models. The present project work addresses the potential of reconfiguring smart vehicles in the context of service-oriented business models. For this purpose, a literature research on the relevant topics of smart product-service-systems, the product life cycle and business models is conducted. Subsequently, the predominant business models in the automotive industry are analyzed and structured according to their service share. Here, function-oriented, availability-oriented and result-oriented business models of mobility mediation are considered. These business models are analyzed for the existing possibility of digital and physical reconfiguration at some vehicle manufacturers and mobility providers. The research results on the existing reconfiguration options are then presented graphically and conclusions on existing development potentials are given based on these graphs. Finally, an outlook is given on likely trends in mobility and associated challenges and opportunities with digital reconfiguration for the automotive industry.