Ontologien zur Beschreibung von Smarten Produkten innerhalb des Produkt-Lebenszyklus Management

2022, Projektarbeit, Dağlı Dilara

Betreuung durch M.Sc. Sven Forte


Nowadays, more and more smart products, such as smartphones or smart machines, are used in everyday life and in industry. To realize a Smart Product a variety of methods, tools, and models are used throughout the entire lifecycle. From development to disposal, a large amount of data, such as bill of material (BOM), is generated. Product lifecycle management (PLM) solutions are used to organize the accumulating data. Whereby the standardization of knowledge is becoming increasingly important so that the knowledge can be used more effectively for the development of Smart products. For this purpose, ontologies for describing Smart Products during PLM are elaborated and investigated in this thesis.