Modelling of a reference process for building value networks in the context of model-based product development considering early collaboration

2022, Masterarbeit, Bondalapati Mounika

Betreuung durch Dipl.-Ing. Damun Mollahassani Madjdabadi


Due to the traction and benefits those customers see with smart products, many companies are looking to develop new ways to maximize value creation and create efficiencies in their product development processes. One way to do this is by collaborating with other companies in the early stages of product development, often referred to as the innovation phase. However, this can be challenging as there is no one-size-fits-all approach to collaboration and each company has its unique set of needs and objectives. Many of the frameworks in-place for accelerated innovation and production optimizations are for individual companies and detached nodes in value chains. This has decreased the effectiveness of the frameworks for the new era of collaborative innovation in value creation networks. This thesis proposes a reference process for developing value creation networks. The study will highly embrace the maximization of inter-company collaboration and innovation practices by providing data sharing protocols, digital twins integrations, and standardizing private information sharing techniques for maximum communication while protecting stakeholders' trade secrets and private components.

The proposed process will be modeled using the SysML modeling language and will focus on the model-based product development environment. The process is designed to be flexible and adaptable to the specific needs of each node in the value creation networks. It will provide a huge potential to significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of product development in collaborative environments for smart products. This developed reference process is then analyzed using the smart product as a case study for applicability and feasibility.