
- Man as Machine - Machine as Man (winter term, open to students of all disciplines)
- Perception, Cognition, Knowledge (winter term, four philosophy lectures in MA Cognitive Science)
- Simulation and Similarity (Buch von M. Weisberg, reading course Sozioinformatik, gemeinsam mit Prof. K. Zweig, Sommersemester 2024)
Aktuelle Vorträge
- Data-Driven Science Before the Computer: Spectral Analysis (1/24, LTD seminar, RPTU)
- Die Geburt der Ingenieurwissenschaften oder der Streit um die Mathematik als Werkzeug (1/24, ITWM Kaiserslautern, sowie TU Berlin; 12/23 TU Darmstadt)
- The Looming Reproducibility Problem in Computer-Based Sciences (together with S. Stephan and H. Hasse, 12/23 Nancy)
- The Dark Side of Modeling. ChatGPT and Trustworthiness (together with M. Brandl, 12/23, SAS23 conference, HLRS Stuttgart)
- A Child of Prediction: On the History, Ontology, and Computation of the Lennard-Jonesium (together with S. Stephan and H. Hasse, 3/23 MolMod conference, Frankfurt; 5/22, MPI Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig)