AI-based design assistance for soft robots

Taken from Schindler and de Payrebrune [1] by CC BY

[1] Schindler, L. and de Payrebrune, K.: Data for "Image-based Backbone
Reconstruction for Non-Slender Soft Robots". Zenodo, 2024. DOI:

Contact person

Dipl.-Ing. Leon Schindler
 Gebäude 74 - Raum 314
  +49 (0) 631/205-5107



Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) – 501861263 – SPP2353
Daring More Intelligence – Design Assistants in Mechanics and Dynamics


Soft robotics deals with the development of soft and flexible robots made of elastic materials. Due to these properties, the robots can be used in sensitive areas or hard-to-reach environments. The currently often experiment-driven design of soft robots requires a high amount of time and resources and is usually application-specific. With the help of AI-assisted design methods, this process is supported. The datasets for training the artificial intelligence are generated by finite element methods (FEM) or the numerical simulations of beam models. Under the specification of external loads and desired deflections as well as other constraints, an optimal design of the robot should be determined. The AI methods are intended to help reduce the number of simulations and experiments and shorten the design time.