Production, characterization and modeling of soft robots


Soft robot, continuum mechanics, hyperelastic material, FEM, rheological models, image analysis


Project summary

Soft robots are new types of robots made of soft, elastic materials that can be used in close cooperation with humans. The properties and behavior of the robots must be known and understood in order to be able to produce robots ready for series production. In this project, we are therefore particularly concerned with

  • the design of combinable soft robot modules
  • testing the modules
  • the construction of efficient models
  • the motion sequence and control
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Soft robots (continuum robots) are a new bio-inspired type of robot that are made almost entirely of soft materials and can be deformed almost without restriction. They are typically controlled by cables or pneumatics. Their potential is based on their enormous adaptability, their robustness and their flexibility when they come into contact with other objects. Fields of application include assistance systems, rescue and reconnaissance missions or use in automated production.

Since July 2019, our research on soft robots has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of SPP2100. Our project deals with the simulation of motion sequences and the contact between robots and other objects. We want to use the knowledge gained to facilitate the improvement of movement mechanisms. The approach we are pursuing is the approximation of soft robots as a combination of beam-shaped actuators. Due to the beam formulation, dynamic simulations are significantly less resource-intensive than, for example, using FEM. The special properties of soft robots - in particular their extreme flexibility and (in our case) pneumatic actuation - pose particular challenges in modeling.

We are working on a modular bending actuator as an illustrative object for the insights gained. It is designed in such a way that it can be built, modified and modeled with little effort. If required, several actuators can be connected in series.


Contact person

Frederik Lamping



Funded by the DFG as part of SPP 2100


Project results

Results from this research project

Snake robot

Completed work

Selection of manufactured prototypes

Different types of movement of the quadruped