Untersuchung der Einflussfaktoren von Industrial Engineering auf die Produktentwicklung

2022, Studienprojekt, Michalczyk Arthur

Betreuung durch Dipl.-Ing. Damun Mollahassani Madjdabadi


Both industrial engineering and product development are constantly adapting to new conditions and technological possibilities. Accordingly, there is a continuous exchange between these two areas and their environment. In this context, this thesis elaborates on the factors of influence of industrial engineering on both, current product development, especially in the form of model-based virtual product development, and on subsequent product generations. Therefore, in the form of research work, theoretical basics are explained, the development of industrial engineering outlined, and the concept of product lifecycle introduced. In this context, various product development concepts and how they ultimately lead to the model-based virtual product development model are presented. Finally, the two topics of product development and industrial engineering are linked in the discussion section, and the influencing factors are thus, identified.