Einfluss der Rekonfigurierbarkeit auf die Kostenim Produktlebenszyklus Smarter Produkte und Services

2022, Forschungsprojekt, Bayrakli Akin

Betreuung durch Dipl.-Ing. M.Sc. Thorwin Böhm


Current technological developments are paving the way for intelligent products and services. These can be individualised by their properties and adapted to specific requirements and circumstances through reconfiguration. The advantage here lies in the possibility of performing reconfiguration on a software basis. This process can be carried out during the use phase. Product development is therefore a continuous process. Since companies want to act economically, the question arises whether reconfigurations also save costs. Here, an approach is given as to how the reconfigurability of smart products and services influences the costs in the life cycle and where the savings potentials are.