Doctorate and post-doctorate studies (habilitation) in the department of mechanical andf process engineering


In the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, the doctoral degree is the highest academic degree awarded. The doctorate demonstrates the ability to work independently in the scientific field.

The doctoral theses are usually carried out at the individual chairs or working groups, and the scientific staff also take on teaching tasks.

If you would like to apply for doctoral supervision, please contact a professor directly in our department.

Since 2017, all doctoral candidates are free to enroll in the TUK as a doctoral student.

Further important information can be found in the Instructions for PhD candidates.




The doctorate is a requirement for a habilitation. The habilitation serves to provide proof of outstanding scientific achievements and pedagogical authority (teaching qualification). Through the habilitation, the teaching authorization for a specific subject area is acquired.




Regulations, guidelines, templates, links, ...

Before submitting the dissertation (at least 14 days before the FBR meeting), please send the following documents as one PDF file by mail to dekanat(at)

1. application

2. title page

3. abstract

4. curriculum vitae

and the dissertation separately as a pdf file.

A doctoral procedure does not officially begin until an application for admission to doctoral studies is submitted to the Faculty Council. This should be addressed to the Dean of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. The application includes the following documents, all of which should be signed in the original:

  • An informal cover letter to the Dean. This should include the title of the dissertation. Applicants can express their wishes regarding the choice of rapporteur and chairperson in the doctoral application.
  • A curriculum vitae (not handwritten) with a photograph, which, in addition to the usual information, also contains details of your educational background. (FBR 04/2012)
  • Proof of the required previous education (see §2 of the doctoral regulations). Note for doctoral candidates with a foreign educational qualification: Please ensure that the equivalence of your degree is established in good time!
  • The completed extract from the doctoral database, signed by the doctoral supervisor.
  • Confirmation letter from the Dean's Office regarding acceptance as a doctoral candidate.
  • The completed form for the Higher Education Statistics Act.
  •  A signed declaration,
    •         that the dissertation was written by the author and that all resources used are listed in the work;
    •         that the dissertation or parts of it have not yet been submitted as an examination paper for a state or other academic examination;
    •         whether the same or a different dissertation has been submitted as a dissertation to another department or university, and if so, with what result.
  •     4 copies of the dissertation (with 2 reviewers; with 3 reviewers 5 copies) in typescript:
    •         bound (adhesive binding, no spiral binding),
    •         with title page (see sample),
    •         with page numbers,
    •         with an abstract in German and an abstract in English of half a page each (FBR 08/2017),
    •         with a bibliography,
    •         with a list of supervised theses and dissertations that have contributed to the dissertation,
    •         with a curriculum vitae of the author (at the end of the dissertation).

As the examination committee is not determined by the faculty council until the official opening of the doctoral procedure, references to possible examiners and the chair are not permitted in the submitted version, not even in any acknowledgements.

The dissertation should preferably be written in German. Alternatively, English is also permissible. Other official European languages are only permitted in consultation with the doctoral committee and after approval by the faculty council.

The examination is preferably conducted in German. Alternatively, English is also permitted. Other official European languages are only permitted in consultation with the doctoral committee and after approval by the faculty council. The examination usually lasts 30 - 60 minutes.

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