Dean´s Office



The Dean´s Office manages the department and is the central point of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. The dean and his substitute, the Vice Dean, are in charge of the department and also function as representatives. They are supported by the General Manager of the department. 

At the Dean´s Office you can obtain any information needed regarding the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. 




Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Roland Ulber


☎  +49 631/205-4043
✉  roland.ulber(at)

Vice Dean


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tilmann Beck

☎  +49 631/205-3362
✉  t.beck(at)


General Manager


Dr.-Ing. Marcus Ripp

☎  +49 631/205-2560
✉  m.ripp(at)


Studies Management


Dr.-Ing. Carolin Sator



Dr.-Ing. Katja Groß