Overview of lectures and exams in english
To give you an overview we gathered information about all possible lectures and exams hold in english language at our faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering (MV) at all our chairs:
Schedule with english lectured COURSES at MV
Schedule with possible english EXAMS at MV
Schedule with english lectured courses at other departments
Please be aware that not all lectures are given in every semester, this is why we pointed it out in the list.
To find out more about each module feel free to make use of our module handbook, which can be changed to english language and can be found here:
You can simply put the name of the subject into the "search box" to get more information.
Within this handbook, you can find different categories and overviews such as a list of modules of each department pointing out the language of each course. Please refer to the following links therefore:
List of Modules of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
List of Modules of the Department of Computer Science
List of Modules of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
List of Modules of the Department of Business Studies and Economics
List of Modules of the Graduate School