Ass. Prof. Dr. Dzmitry Misiulia

Office address
Building 44, Room 457
67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49 (0)631 205 3035
Fax.: +49 (0)631 205 3055
Email: dzmitry.misiulia[at]
- Aerosol Technology
- BCI-Seminar (Part of MVT: Dedusting in industrial processes)
Work Experience
- Since 04/2022 Researcher, Institute of Particle Process Engineering, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany
- 10/2019 – 03/2022 Guest experienced researcher (Alexander von Humboldt fellowship holder), Institute of Particle Process Engineering, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
- 09/2018 – 09/2019 Senior researcher, Department of Machines and Apparatus for Chemical and Silicate Production (DMACSP), Chemical Technology and Engineering Faculty (CTEF), Belarusian State Technological University (BSTU), Minsk, Belarus
- 09/2015 – 08/2018 Associate Professor, DMACSP, CTEF, BSTU, Minsk, Belarus
- 09/2016 – 02/2017 Guest senior researcher (Swedish Institute scholarship holder), Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics (DFEM), Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics (DESM), Luleå University of Technology (LTU), Luleå, Sweden
- 09/2013 – 09/2015 Senior Lecturer, DMACSP, CTEF, BSTU, Minsk, Belarus
- 09/2014 – 08/2015 Guest postdoctoral researcher (Swedish Institute scholarship holder), DFEM, DESM, LTU, Luleå, Sweden
- 11/2011 – 08/2013 Assistant Lecturer, DMACSP, CTEF, BSTU, Minsk, Belarus
- 09/2010 – 06/2011 Assistant Lecturer (50% part-time job), Department of Process and Apparatus of Chemical Production (DPACP), CTEF, BSTU, Minsk, Belarus
Scientific Record
- 21.06.2017 Academic/scientific title of "Docent", Belarus
- 30.01.2012 Letter of commendation for the considerable contribution to working out of new scientific directions and for high rates in development of science and innovative activity, BSTU, Minsk, Belarus
- 28.12.2011 Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, BSTU, Minsk, Belarus
- 11/2008 – 10/2011 Ph.D., BSTU, Minsk, Belarus
- 09/2007 – 06/2008 Master of Science, BSTU, Minsk, Belarus
- 09/2002 – 06/2007 Diploma in mechanical engineering, BSTU, Minsk, Belarus.
Fellowships and Scholarships
- 01.10.2019 – 31.03.2022 Georg Forster Research Fellowship for experienced researchers (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
- 01.01.2018 – 31.12.2018 Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus to talented young scientists 2018
- 01.09.2016 – 28.02.2017 Swedish Institute scholarship within the Visby Programme (senior research)
- 09.05.2016 – 05.06.2016 VINNMER Incoming – planning grant from innovation agency in Sweden VINNOVA
- 01.09.2014 – 31.08.2015 Swedish Institute scholarship within the Visby Programme (postdoctoral research)
- 01.10.2014 – 31.07.2015 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship for PhD students and young scientists
- 04.10.2021 – 05.10.2021 Best Practice Guidance Seminar "CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows 2021 (with problem shooting session)", Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy
- 23.09.2020 – 24.09.2020 Palas® Air Filtration Seminar 2020, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- 25.11.2018 – 15.12.2018 Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry at Stockholm University, and Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden (MOST project)
- 01.05.2018 – 04.05.2018 Bergen MSCA-IF Master Class, University of Bergen, Norway
- 20.02.2018 – 21.02.2018 HORIZON 2020 week in Belarus, Minsk
- 29.11.2017 – 12.12.2017 Institute of Particle Process Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany (MOST project)
- 07.10.2013 – 10.10.2013 OpenFOAM training (user and advanced level), Prague, Czech Republic
- 23.01.2012 – 27.01.2012 JSC Mozyr Oil Refinery, Mozyr, Belarus
- Misiulia D., Liden G., Antonyuk S.: Cyclone dimensionless pressure drop, cut size, and separation slope: One dimensionless number (Reynolds) to rule them all, Particuology (2024).
- Weirich, M., Misiulia, D., Antonyuk, S. (2024). Characterization of particle shape with an improved 3D Light Scattering Sensor (3D-LSS) for aerosols. Sensors 24 (3), 955.
- Misiulia, D., Lidén, G., Antonyuk, S. (2023). Secondary lip flow in a cyclone separator. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 110, 581–600.
- Misiulia, D., Nedumaran, P.K., Antonyuk, S. (2023). Effect of the discharging flap on particle separation in a cyclone. Chemical Engineering and Technology 46 (6), 1098–1105.
- Misiulia, D., Lidén, G., Antonyuk, S. (2022). Performance characteristics of a small scale cyclone separator operated in different flow regimes. Journal of Aerosol Science 163, 105980.
- Antonyuk, S., Kerner, M., Misiulia, D., (2022). Study of a test air ventilation system for reducing aerosol dispersion in classrooms installed at the Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium in Landau. Filtration and Separation (International Edition), 38–42.
- Misiulia, D., Lidén, G., Antonyuk, S. (2021). Evolution of turbulent swirling flow in a small-scale cyclone with increasing flow rate: A LES study. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 107, 575–608.
- Urazmetov, O., Kerner, M., Dillenburger, T., Misiulia, D., Antonyuk, S. (2021). A CFD study of gas and particle motion in an aerosol generator operated by desublimation process. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 169, 229–238.
- Misiulia, D., Antonyuk, S., Andersson, A.G., Lundström, T.S. (2020). High-efficiency industrial cyclone separator: A CFD study. Powder Technology 364, 943–953.
- Jafari, P.H., Misiulia, D., Hellström, J.G.I., Gebart, B.R. (2019). Modeling of particle-laden cold flow in a cyclone gasifier. Journal of Fluids Engineering 141 (2), 021302.
- Kuz’min, V.V., Misiulia, D. (2019). Economic efficiency of energy-saving devices in cyclones. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering 54, 935–939.
- Misiulia, D., Antonyuk, S., Andersson, A.G., Lundström, T.S. (2018). Effects of deswirler position and its centre body shape as well as vortex finder extension downstream on cyclone performance. Powder Technology 272, 14–22.
- Misiulia, D., Elsayed, K., Andersson, A.G. (2017). Geometry optimization of a deswirler for cyclone separator in terms of pressure drop using CFD and artificial neural network. Separation and Purification Technology 185, 10–23.
- Misiulia, D., Andersson, A.G., Lundström, T.S. (2017). Large Eddy Simulation investigation of an industrial cyclone separator fitted with a pressure recovery deswirler. Chemical Engineering and Technology 40(4), 709–718.
- Misiulia, D., Andersson, A.G., Lundström, T.S. (2017). Effects of the inlet angle on the collection efficiency of a cyclone with helical-roof inlet. Powder Technology 305, 48–55.
- Misiulia, D., Kuz’min, V.V., Petrov, O.A. (2016). Experimental and numerical calculation of pressure drop in a high-efficiency cyclone STsN-40. Proceedings of BSTU. No. 3, 154–160.
- Misiulia, D., Andersson, A.G., Lundström, T.S. (2015). Effects of the inlet angle on the flow pattern and pressure drop of a cyclone with helical-roof inlet. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 102, 307–321.
- Misiulia, D., Andersson, A.G., Lundström, T.S. (2015). Computational investigation of an industrial cyclone separator with helical-roof inlet. Chemical Engineering and Technology 38 (8), 1425–1434.
- Misiulia, D., Protasov, S.K. (2014). Experimental research of regular packing for mass-transfer towers. Proceedings of BSTU. No. 3, 105–108.
- Misiulia, D., Kuz’min, V.V., Markov, V.A. (2013). Developing an untwisting device for cyclones and estimating its parameters. Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering 47 (3), 274–283.
- Misiulia, D., Vaitsiakhovich, P.E., Kuzmin, V.V., Karpov, K.A. (2013). Dedusting of the gases outgoing from the glass manufacturing furnace. Proceedings of BSTU. No. 3, 150–156.
- Khalil, W., Al-Saedi, M.J., Misiulia, D. (2013). Study of hydraulic resistance and effectiveness of a valve collar of new design. Vestnik of PSU. No. 3, 172–175.
- Misiulia, D. (2012). New designs of devices for a decrease in power consumption of cyclone dust collectors. Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals 53 (1), 67–72.
- Misiulia, D., Kuzmin, V.V., Markov, V.A. (2012). The feasibility grounds for using of untwisting devices in cyclones. Proceedings of BSTU. No. 3, 155–159.
- Misiulia, D., Kuzmin, V.V., Markov, V.A. (2012). Comparative analysis of technical characteristics of cyclone dust collectors. Proceedings of BSTU. No. 3, 145–154.
- Misiulia, D., Kuzmin, V.V., Markov, V.A. (2012). Decrease in energy and economic expenses when using cyclones of NIIOGAZ. Energy efficiency. No. 4, 14–16.
- Misiulia, D., Kuzmin, V.V., Markov, V.A. (2011). Ways of decrease in power consumption of cyclone separators. International scientific journal for alternative energy and ecology 96 (4), 74–88.
- Misiulia, D., Kuzmin, V.V., Markov, V.A. (2011). Reducing energy consumption and increasing efficiency of cyclones. Proceedings of CIS higher education institutions. Energy Problems. No. 11-12, 130–138.
- Misiulia, D., Kuzmin, V.V., Markov, V.A. (2011). Studying of influence of number and height of blades of the deswirling device on decrease in pressure drop of cyclones. Chemical Industry Today. No. 10, 52–56.
- Kuzmin, V.V., Misiulia, D., Markov, V.A. (2011). Reserves of decrease in energy consumption in gas purification and ventilation systems. Energy – Proceedings of CIS higher education institutions and power engineering associations. No. 6, 66–72.
- Misiulia, D., Kuzmin, V.V., Markov, V.A. (2011). Application of the blade untwisting device in cyclone dust collectors. Proceedings of BSTU. No. 3, 162–169.
- Misiulia, D., Kuzmin, V.V., Markov, V.A. (2011). Design philosophy of untwisting devices for cyclones. Proceedings of BSTU. No. 3, 153–161.
- Misiulia, D. (2011). Determination of pressure losses connected with rotary movement of flow at cyclone outlet. Proceedings of higher education institutions. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 54 (10), 123–126.