Mechanical testing facilities

Fischercope HM2000
Name: Fischerscope® HM2000
Stress type:
- Force-controlled indentation with Vickersindenter
- Quasi-static (simple indentation) and cyclic
- Hardness: Martens hardness, indentation hardness
- Elastic indentation modulus
- Indentation creep
- Percentage deformation work of the indentation work
- Cyclic hardening potential
- Cyclic plasticity during indentation
- Measurable hardness range: 0.001 - 120,000 N/mm²
- Forces: 0.1 - 2000 mN
- resolution
- Displacement: ≤ 10 pm
- Force: ≤ 150 nN
- Positioning travel: 170 x 140 mm
- Positioning repeatability: ≤ 2 µm
Sample geometry:
- Basically variable, usually metallographic sections
- Max. Length x width: 180 x 150 mm
- Max. Height: 130 mm
- Max. Weight: 2 kg
Test temperature: from RT to 200 °C

MTS Bionix® Tabletop Test System
Servo-hydraulic testing system (intended by the manufacturer primarily for biomaterials and medical components - but universally applicable)
Type of stress:
- Axial load with control via force, displacement and strain (tension-compression...)
- Cyclic
- Force: 15 kN (maximum force) à however operation with a maximum of 12 kN due to load cell
- Temperatures: Room temperature
- Specimen geometries: variable
- Test frequencies: max. 50 Hz
For further information: Dr.-Ing Bastian Blinn
MTS 318.25S 1000 Hz testing system
- Problem: Lifetime prediction is difficult at low stress amplitudes and > 10⁵ load cycles
- Reason: Barely measurable plastic deformation
- Solutions: Use of alternative measurement methods
- High-resolution strain measurement techniques
- Thermometric, resistometric, and magnetic measurement methods
- Advantages of thermometric & resistometric methods:
- Higher sensitivity at low plastic deformation
- Applicable to components without defined gauge lengths
- Advantages of electrical resistance:
- Can be measured in an unloaded state
- Well-suited for detecting damage progression
- Innovative testing concept for lifetime prediction:
- Developed at the Chair of Materials Science
- Multistage loading with damage-free single-stage measurement cycles
- Capturing of:
- Plastic strain amplitude (εa,p)
- Temperature change (ΔT)
- Resistance change (ΔR)

Fischerscope® H100C XYp
Name: Fischerscope® H100C XYp
Stress type:
- Indentation with Vickersindenter
- Quasi-static (simple indentation) and cyclic
- Hardness: Martens hardness, indentation hardness
- Elastic indentation modulus
- Indentation creep
- Percentage deformation work of the indentation work
- Cyclic hardening potential
- Cyclic plasticity during indentation
- Measurable hardness range: 0.001 - 120,000 N/mm²
- Forces: 0.4 - 1000 mN
- resolution
- Displacement: ≤ 2 nm
- Force: ≤ 200 nN
- Positioning travel: 100 x 100 mm
- Positioning repeatability: ≤ 2 µm
Sample geometry:
- Basically variable, usually metallographic sections
- Max. Width x depth: 180 x 80 mm
- Max. Height: 70 mm
- Max. Weight: 1 kg
Test temperature: RT
For further information: Dr.-Ing. Bastian Blinn

Schenck PSA 40
- Hydraulic vibration testing system
- Maximum force 40 kN (operation up to 32 kN)
- Testing with different stress ratios and frequencies
- Piston travel: 100 mm
- Tests at room temperature and at higher temperatures
- Variable specimen geometry and clamping tool (Ø 12, 15, 18 mm)
- State-of-the-art MTS control system (retrofit 2020):
- Axial, cyclical loading with control via force, displacement and strain
- Temperature specification implemented
For further information: Dr.-Ing. Bastian Blinn

VHCF Ultrasonic Fatigue system
- Ultrasonic fatigue at 20 kHz
- Structure 2021/ 2022
- Latest Beckhoff control system
- Amplitude and deflection-controlled test control
- Specimen geometry with M8 or M12 thread possible (different boosters available)
- Exclusively R = -1
- Induction heating implemented for conducting experiments at higher temperatures
For further information: Dr.-Ing. Bastian Blinn

Rumul Testronic 200kN
- In the picture: Threaded clamping
- Maximum forces
- Double amplitude 200 kN
- maximum upper tension 200 kN
- Frequencies between 50 and approx. 150 Hz
- Adjustable via additional weights
- Force control
- Analogue control electronics

Rumul Testronic 100 kN
- In the picture: 4-point bending test system
- Maximum forces
- Double amplitude 100 kN
- Maximum upper stress 100 kN
- Frequencies between 50 and approx. 150 Hz
- Adjustable via additional weights
- Force control
- Digital control electronics

Measurement Setup with high temperature Oven
- strip thermocouple
- Capacitive extensometer with ceramic cutting edges
- Measuring clamps for measuring the electrical resistance
- System: PSA 100
For further information: Dr.-Ing. Bastian Blinn

810 Material Test System
Name of the machine: 810 Material Test System
Load type: tension, compression cyclic
Limits: cyclic max. 75 kN
Temperature: 700°C with current set-up
Specimen type: round, flat and threaded specimens
Frequencies: up to 50 Hz
Function: Measurement of the plastic strain amplitude up to 20 Hz