Dr. Bastian Blinn
Academic Senior Councilor
Institute of Materials Science and Engineering
RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
Room 44-354
P.O. Box 3049
67653 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 631-205-5288
Fax: +49 631-205-2137
E-Mail: b.blinn(at)mv.rptu.de
Research Projects
- CRC 926 MICOS– Component Surfaces – Transfer Project T05
- Effect of Cu precipitates on the static and cyclic hardening behavior of nanostructured steel
- Increasing the defect tolerance of 100Cr6 by influencing static and cyclic hardening behavior using defined stabilized retained austenite
- Micromagnetic nondestructive characterization of operationally induced material changes in upcoming foreign nuclear power plants
- Concept for the characterization of the fatigue behaviour of additively manufactured structures in consideration of the local existing load type and microstructure
- Active crack prevention in ferritc high-temperature steels
- Characterization of the surface morphology and the resulting fatigue behavior of additvvely manufactured and various surface-finsiched AlSi10Mg
- Analysis of the influence of process paramters on the fatigue behavior of additvely manufactured AlSi10Mg the material's defect tolerance