
Tescan Clara
Contact: Tilmann Beck
- Electron beam landing energy range: <50 eV bis 30 keV
- Magnification: 2x bis 2.000.000x
- High vacuum: <9x10-3 Pa
- Low vacuum: 7 bis 500 Pa
- SE and BSE imaging of microstructures, fracture surfaces, etc.
- EDX detectors (energy dispersive x-ray):
- Analysis of the compositional elements with element mapping
- EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction):
- Analysis of grain sizes and orientation
- Grain boundary analysis
- Texture analysis
- Phase analysis

Malvern Panalytical EMPYREAN
- X-ray generator: 4 kW (max. 60 kV, max. 100 mA)
- Point / line focus
- Goniometer angle range: -111° < 2theta < 168°
- Maximum angular velocity: 15° / s
- Angular resolution (FWHM at LaB6): 0.026°
- Programmable 5-axis staging (chi, phi, x, y, z)
- High and low temperature stages
- Cu-Kα X-ray tube
- PIXcel3D detector

Malvern Panalytical X‘Pert Pro MRD
- X-ray generator: 3 kW
- Point / line focus
- Horizontal goniometer (omega-2theta system)
- Goniometer angle range: 3° < 2theta < 150°
- Maximum angular velocity: 15° / s
- Angular resolution: 0.001°
- Cu-Kα X-ray tube
- Proportional detector

FemtoTools FT-I04 Nanoindenter
- Control modes: Force and penetration depth control
- Resolution: 500 pN, 50 pm
- Indentation forces: up to 2,000 mN
- Indenter types: Berkovich, Cube Corner, Conical, Flat Punch, Dog Bone
- Nanopositioning: Stick-slip piezo drive with optical position measurement
- Indentation depth sensor: piezo scanner with capacitive displacement measurement
- Force sensor: capacitive MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) sensors (uniaxial and biaxial)


Optical microscope

Kerr Microscope

FEI Quanta 600 FEG
- Acceleration voltage: 200 V to 30 kV
- Magnification range: 7x to 1,000,000x
- High vacuum: 6x10-4 Pa
- Low vacuum: 10 to 130 Pa
- SE and BSE images of microstructure, fracture surfaces, etc.
- EDX detector (energy dispersive X-ray analysis):
- Analysis of chemical elements with element distribution images
- EBSD (Electron Backscatter Diffraction):
- Analysis of grain sizes and grain orientation
- Grain boundary analysis
- Texture analysis
- Phase analysis