Forschungsschwerpunkt NanoKat

NanoKat - Projects

Within the framework of NanoKAT, several coordinated projects have been developed in the course of previous funding. These include

  • DFG Research Training Group 2908/1 WERA: Wastewater as a valuable resource - recovery of critical raw materials using the example of phosphorus 
  • Smart Batches: Smart batch processes in the energy system of the future (German title: Smart Batches: Smarte Batchprozesse im Energiesystem der Zukunft) (Carl-Zeiss-Durchbrüche, Funding period: 2023-2029)
  • iProcess: Research college Intelligent process development - from modeling to product, together with Trier University of Applied Sciences and Bingen University of Applied Sciences (Funding period: 2019-2022)
  • BioVal (INTERREG Greater Region): Recovery of valuable materials from brewery residues, (German title: BioVal (INTERREG Großregion): Wertstoffgewinnung aus Brauereirückständen) (Funding period: 2017-2020), together with groups from Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Saarbrücken
  • WOW (INTERREG Nord-West Europa): Wider business opportunities for raw materials from wastewater (Funding period: 2018-2021), together with groups from France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, Wuppertal
  • RCR (Center for Resource Efficient Chemistry and Raw Material Change): RCR received a total of €1 million in funding from the Carl Zeiss Foundation's program for the development of research structures at universities in 2014-2017
  • Magnenz (Magnetic enzymes): BMBF research college in the years 2011-2014 at the TU Kaiserslautern and Trier University of Applied Sciences with a funding volume of more than just under € 2 million

In addition, members of Nanokat make significant contributions to three DFG Collaborative Research Centers:

Further proposals for coordinated projects (DFG-SFB-TRR “ChemTree”, DFG-SFB “DanCE”) are currently in the planning phase (as of 01/2024).
