Formal criteria

One of the main criteria for admission to Master studies is a Bachelor Degree (or a comparable degree) with a score of at least 180 ECTS. Applicants with less than 180 ECTS will immediately be rejected, unless they are able to obtain the missing credit points before the beginning of the studies

In addition, only applicants who obtained 30 ECTS (max.) during their bachelor studies through industrial work/ industrial internships can be accepted.  This regulation does not apply to Master studies of Biological and Chemical Engineering sciences. 

Only complete application documents will be submitted to the department for decision. The following documents are required:

  • Application Form (filled out and signed)
  • Proof of university entrance qualification (or comparable diploma),
  • Proof of occupational qualifying graduate degree (bachelor degree with ECTS credit points)

Applicants seeking to complete a german bachelor degree and estimated completion date before start of the master studies are able to apply with a temporary summary of subjects and grades by submitting:

  • Actual score of ECTS
  • Enough ECTS to be able to reach degree and
  • Overall average grade

Additionally the following documents are required for applicants from foreign countries:

  • original APS-Certificate  (only applies to applicants from China, Mongolia and Vietnam)
  • Proof of  knowledge of German language level B1 (by the time of application, proof documents can´t be older than 1 year )
  • Proof of knowledge of German language level DSH-2 at the beginning of the studies.

If your German language skills are not sufficient for the DSH test, enrolled TUK students are entitled to attend a DSH-preparatory class. You can find more information on dates and costs of the classes on the VKB-homepage . You can find additional information on the required language skills hier.

Accepted Applicants with a completion of 180 ECTS will receive requirements of 30 ECTS in any case, irrespective of the professional exam. This is necessary in order to reach 300 ECTS in the end. For applicants who obtained their degree outside the ECTS zone, the evaluation is defined according to the ANABIN data bank.


Qualifying Criteria

If the formal criteria meets the requirements, the next step is the qualifying evaluation. With the help of your summary of achievements, it will be examined if you have reached enough ECTS in your bachelor studies of Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering basics. Therefore, it is important, that the summary mentions all fulfilled modules, including modules of your basic study, if your degree program contains any.

Foundation for the qualifying test are  the assigned bachelor degrees to the various master degree programs at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering.



Applicants who are missing more than 30 ECTS credit points of the presupposed basics will be rejected. If the applicant misses 30 ECTS credit points or less and the (temporary) final grade is better than 2,5 according to the German grading scale, the faculty accepts the applicant with requirements. 

If 30 ECTS credit points or less are missing and the final grade is 2,5 or worse, the person in charge of the master studies program invites the applicant to a qualifying examination interview. 

Please review your qualification based on this EXCEL-table and attach a copy of the report to your application. If the modules of your summary are not clearly classifiable, please attach the effectual module manual for your degree program or state the link to the module manual in the appropriate line on the EXCEL summary. 
