M.Sc. Fabian Krull

Office address
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 44 / Room 464
67663 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 (0)631 205 2416
Fax: +49 (0)631 205 3055
E-Mail: fabian.krull[at]rptu.de
Responsibilities at the institute
Research topics
Main Research Project
Description of the biomechanical properties of spheroids from human cells
Spheroids are 3D cell cultures, which, due to the 3D arrangement of the cells, reflect their natural physiological situation in tissues better than traditional 2D cell culture approaches. They are therefore very interesting for standardized in vitro approaches but also for clinical applications in the sense of personalized medicine. A variety of new applications for spheroids have since emerged, such as in the field of tissue engineering, where bio-printing by extrusion is a promising method. Despite the increasing use of spheroids in various biomedical applications, little is known about their biomechanical properties. In this cooperation project with the Department of Trauma, Hand, and Reconstructive Surgery (Saarland University, Germany) the biomechanical properties of spheroids from normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) are investigated experimentally depending on the cell number and the age of the spheroids by compression tests using a Nano- and Triboindenter (TI Premier, Bruker). Additionally, new contact models for the Discrete-Element Method will be developed based on the experimental results to investigate the biomechanical behavior of spheroids in more detail.
Funding: DFG 516192047
Publications / Proceedings
Peer reviewed
- Krull, F., Strohner, D., Hering, D.J., von Freymann, G., Antonyuk, S.: Measurements of micro particle rotation by applying marking points using additive manufacturing tools, Advanced Powder Technology 34 (2023) 104218 doi.org/10.1016/j.apt.2023.104218
- Benz N., Krull F., Nikolaus K., Antonyuk S.: Membrane–Fabric Composite Filter Media for Continuous Cake Filtration without Gas Throughput Using Paste Dot Coating with Adhesive. Membranes 2023, 13, 801. doi.org/10.3390/membranes13090801
- de Payrebrune, K.M., Schönecker, C., Antonyuk, S., Bilz, R., Krull, F., Noichl, I., Ripperger, S. & D. Strohner (2024): Interactions Between Particles and Surfaces. In: Aurich, J.C., Hasse, H. (eds) Component Surfaces. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35575-2_8
- Hesse, R., Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Prediction of random packing density and flowability for non-spherical particles by deep convolutional neural networks and Discrete Element Method simulations, Powder Technology (2021) doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2021.07.056
- Krull, F., Mathy, J., Breuninger, P., Antonyuk, S.: Influence of the surface roughness on the collision behavior of fine particles in ambient fluids, Powder Technology (2021) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2021.06.051 .
- Elsayed, O., Kirsch, R., Krull, F., Antonyuk, S., and Osterroth, S.: Pore-scale simulation of the interaction between a single water droplet and a hydrophobic wire mesh screen in diesel, Fluids 6 (9), (2021), 319 doi.org/10.3390/fluids6090319
- Hesse, R.; Krull, F.; Antonyuk, S.: Experimentally Calibrated CFD-DEM Study of Air Impairment during Powder Discharge for Varying Hopper Configurations, Powder Technology 372 (2020), 404-419doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2020.05.113
- Breuninger, P., Krull, F., Huttenlochner, K., Müller-Reno, C., Ziegler, C., Merz, R., Kopnarski, M., Antonyuk, S.: Microstructuring of steel surfaces via cold spraying with 316L particles for studying the particle-wall collision behavior, Surface and Coatings Technology (2019), doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2019.125054
- Weis, D., Krull, F., Mathy, J., Evers, M., Thommes, M., Antonyuk, S.: A contact model for the deformation behaviour of pharmaceutical pellets under cyclic loading;Advanced Powder Technology (2019), doi.org/10.1016/j.apt.2019.07.026
- Breuninger, P., Krull, F., Buhl, S., Binder, A., Merz, R., Kopnarski, M., Sachweh, B., Antonyuk, S.: Microstructuring of Titanium Surfaces with Plasma Modified Titanium Particles by Cold Spraying; Particuology, (Accepted August 2018)
- Krull, F., Hesse, R., Breuninger, P., Antonyuk, S.: Impact behaviour of microparticles with microstructured surfaces: Experimental study and DEM simulation, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2018.05.033
- Breuninger, P., Weis, D., Behrendt, I., Grohn, P., Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: CFD-DEM simulation of fine particles in a spouted bed apparatus with a Wurster tube, Particuology (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2018.03.015 .
- Gelhausen, M. G., Lenz, D., Krull, F., Korkmaz, V., Agar, D. W.: 3D Printing for Chemical Process Laboratories II: Measuring Liquid-Solid Mass Transfer Coefficients, Chemical Engineering and Technology 41 (2018), doi.org/10.1002/ceat.201700295
Conference Proceeding
- Krull, F., Lösch, P., Boldt, S., Krause, D., Lerche, D., Antonyuk, S.: Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Particle Segregation during Centrifugal Filtration, International Filtration Congress FILTECH 2023, Köln
- Antonyuk S., Krull F.: Simulation of solid-liquid separation processes: Challenges in modeling and experimental validation, FILTECH 2022, Köln 08.03.2022 – 10.03.2022
- Krull, F., Breuninger, P. Antonyuk, S.: Dynamic interactions of polystyrene particles with microstructured surface manufactured by cold spray, International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders & Grains 2017), Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714013011
- Breuninger, P., Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Manufacturing and characterization of particle structured 1.4571 surfaces with an adapted cold spray method; SMT31; Mons, Belgien, 5-7.7.2017
- Krull, F., Metzger, W., Oh, E., Antonyuk, S.: Determination of biomechanical properties of biocell agglomerates, Jahrestreffen der VDI/DECHEMA-Fachgruppe Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik 2024, Weimar 05.03.2024-07.03.2024
- Krull, F., Kiesgen De Richter, S., Influence of the liquid content of the spreading behaviour of particle piles under vibration, Jahrestreffen der VDI/DECHEMA-Fachgruppe Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik 2024, Weimar 05.03.2024-07.03.2024
- Krull, F., Marouazi, G., Kiesgen De Richter, S., Antonyuk, S.: Spreading behavior of wetted particle heaps under vibration: Experimental study and DEM simulation, PARTEC 2023, Nürnberg 26.09.2023-28.09.2023
- Krull, F., Lösch, P., Boldt, S., Krause, D., Lerche, D., Antonyuk, S.: Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Particle Segregation during Centrifugal Filtration, International Filtration Congress FILTECH 2023, Köln
- Krull, F., Marouazi, G., Kiesgen De Richter, S., Antonyuk, S.: An in-depth analysis of particle piles under vibration using the discrete element method, CHISA 2022, Prague 21.08.2022-25.08.2022
- Krull, F., Marouazi, G., Kiesgen De Richter, S., Antonyuk, S.: Spreading behaviour of particle piles under vibration: Experiments and DEM simulations, WCPT 9, Madrid, 18.09.2022-22.09.2022
- Hesse, R., Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Modeling and DEM simulation of high stress compaction for cohesive powders with elastic-plastic contact behavior, WCPT 9, Madrid, 18.09.2022-22.09.2022
- Antonyuk, S., Krull, F.: Simulation of solid-liquid separation processes: Challenges in modeling and experimental validation, FILTECH 2022, Köln 08.03.2022-10.03.2022
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Influence of the surface structure on the fluid displacement during fine particle collision, PARTEC 2019, Nürnberg 09.04.2019-12.04.2019
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Dynamische Wechselwirkungen von Partikeln und Tropfen mit strukturierten Bauteiloberflächen, 8. Plenarversammlung SFB926, Kirchheimbolanden, 29.11-30.11.2018
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: A novel approach to determine the rotation of spherical micro particles after collision with rough surfaces, 9th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids, London 10.09.2018-14.09.2018
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Impact Behaviour of Microparticles on Component Surfaces Considering the Micro-Topography: Experiment and DEM Simulation, WCPT8, Orlando 23.04.2018-26.04.2018
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Dynamic Interactions of Particles and Droplets with Structured Component Surfaces, MICOS 2018, Kaiserslautern 20.03.2018-21.03.2018
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Dynamische Wechselwirkungen von Partikeln und Tropfen mit strukturierten Bauteiloberflächen, 7. Plenarversammlung SFB926, Kirchheimbolanden, 23.11-24.11.2017
- Krull, F., Deshpande, R.: Stoßverhalten von Partikeln: Partikel-Oberfläche-Wechselwirkungen, Tag der Verfahrenstechnik, Kaiserslautern, 16.10.2017
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Investigation of Energy Dissipation during Particle Collisions with Microstructured Component Surfaces, Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids (RELPOWFLO V), Skien, Norwegen 13.06-15.06.2017
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Dynamische Wechselwirkungen von Partikeln und Tropfen mit strukturierten Bauteiloberflächen, 6. Plenarversammlung SFB926, Asselheim, 24.11-25.11.2016
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Einfluss der Bauteiloberflächenstrukturierung auf das Stoßverhalten von Partikeln, ProcessNet Jahrestagung, Aachen, 12.09.-15.09.2016
- Krull, F., Metzger, W., Antonyuk, S.: Biomechanical properties of spheroids from human cells, PARTEC 2023, Nürnberg 26.09.2023-28.09.2023
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Entwicklung einer Methode für die Markierung von sphärischen Mikropartikeln zur Rotationsbestimmung, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppen Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik 2018, Neuss 13.03.2018-15.03.2018
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Impact behaviour of microparticles with microstructured surfaces: Experimental study and DEM simulation, 10th WCCE Joint-Event-PARMAT, Barcelona, Spanien, 01.10.-05.10.2017
- Krull, F., Breuninger, P., Antonyuk, S.: Dynamic Interactions of Polystyrene Particles with Microstructured Surface Manufactured by Cold Spray, 8th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powder and Grains), Montpellier, Frankreich, 03.07.-07.07.2017
- Krull, F., Antonyuk, S.: Einfluss der Morphologie von additiv gefertigten Oberflächen auf das Stoßverhalten von Partikeln, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppen Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik 2017, Bruchsal 13.02-14.02.2017
- Krull, F., Antonyuk S.: Dynamic Interactions of Particles and Droplets with Structured Component Surfaces, International Conference on Microscale Morphology of Component Surfaces 2016, Kaiserslautern 20.10-21.10.201
Supervised Scientific Projects
BA: Bachelor thesis; DA: Diploma thesis; MA: Master thesis; FP: Research project; PA: Projekt work; SA; Study project; TA: Teamwork
- Experimental investigation of 3D printed superellipsoids for the validation of contact mechanics in the Discrete-Element-Method (DA, 2024)
- Influence of the mechanical properties of suspended elastic-plastic microparticles on sediment porosity in the centrifugal field (MA, 2024)
- Influence of vibration energy on the spreading behaviour of pastes under consideration of the component topography (BA, 2023)
- Investigation of particle movement in the centrifugal field using CFD-DEM simulation (PA, 2023)
- Development of a manufacturing process of non-spherical model particles for the discrete element method (BA, 2023)
- Experimental investigation of the change in angle of repose taking into account the ambient fluid and the particle movement on different filter fabrics (BA, 2022)
- CFD-DEM coupled simulation of the rheological properties of highly concentrated suspensions (MA, 2021)
- Experimental setup for schlieren photography and contact angle measurement (SA, 2019)
- Design, construction and commissioning of a test chamber for particle impact tests (FP, 2019)
- Implementation of real surfaces in OpenFOAM (BA, 2019)
- Influence of the microstructure of titanium surfaces on the impact behaviour of fine particles in different fluids (BA, 2019)
- Validation of a methodology for labelling spherical microparticles (FP, 2019)
- Determination of the rotation of spherical microparticles (RISE Internship, 2019)
- Experimental investigations of the power input and mixing time of different stirrers as a function of the filling level (FP, 2019)
- Experimental investigation of the impact behaviour of pharmaceutical pellets using high-speed camera recordings (FP, 2018)
- Surface modification of finely dispersed particles using a suspension process (TA, 2018)
- Dynamic interactions of droplets with micsrostructured surfaces (MA, 2018)
- Experimental investigation of the drying rate of water when varying different parameters of the coating process of fine particles (PA, 2018)
- Commissioning of a drop-on-demand piezo microdroplet generator with chemically hydrophobically modified cannulas and characterisation of the droplet break-off using high-speed images (MA, 2018)
- CFD simulation of the dynamic interactions of a droplet with component surfaces (BA, 2018)
- Impact behaviour of micro droplets with microstructured surfaces (RISE Internship, 2018)
- Functionalisation of stainless steel surfaces by electroplating, taking the microstructure into account (PA, 2018)
- Experimental determination of the influence of the surface structure on the impact behaviour of pharmaceutical pellets using 3D high-speed images (BA, 2017)