Institute of Particle Process Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergiy Antonyuk

Office address
Building 44, Room 459
67663 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 (0)631 205 3524
Fax: +49 (0)631 205 3055
E-Mail: sergiy.antonyuk[at]
Since 2014 | Professor, Head of the Institute for Particle Process Engineering at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau |
2013/2014 | Junior Professor for multiscale simulation of the solids processes at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) |
2008-2013 | Head of the research group "Simulation of the multiphase processes" at TUHH |
2006-2008 | Postdoctoral fellow at the Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg (Germany) |
2006 | Ph.D. in process engineering at the Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg. Thesis: Deformation and breakage behaviour of spherical granules during compression and impact stressing. Supervisor: Prof. J. Tomas |
2004 | Ph.D. in environment engineering at the National Technical University Kyiv (Ukraine). Thesis: Processing of solid carbonaceous wastes for thermal processing in chamber ovens. Supervisor: Prof. O. Parfenyuk |
1999 | M.Sc. in process equipment, DonNTU |
1998 | B.Sc. in mechanical engineering, DonNTU |
Since 2023 | Spokesperson of the DFG Research Training Group 2908 “Recyclable Wastewater (WERA) - Recovery of critical raw materials using the example of phosphorus” |
2014-2023 | Collegium of the DFG SFB 926 “Component surfaces: Morphology on the microscale” |
Since 2020 | Member of the Competence Network Process Engineering Pro3 as representative of RPTU |
Since 2018 | German delegate to working parties “Mechanics of Particulate Solids” and “Agglomeration” of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) |
Since 2018 | Appointed member of the DECHEMA expert group “Aerosol Technology” |
2015-2017 | Spokesperson of the DFG Priority Program SPP 1486 “Particles in Contact - Micromechanics, Microprocess Dynamics and Particle Collectives” |
Since 2017 | Appointed member of the DECHEMA expert group “Mechanical Liquid Separation” |
Since 2014 | Appointed member of the DECHEMA expert group “Agglomeration and Bulk Technology” |
- Mechanical process engineering I
- Mechanical process engineering II
- Multiphase flow
- Waste treatment II
- Dedusting technology I
- Aerosol technology