Formal requirements

Requirements for a bachelor / diploma course in the field of mechanical and process engineering are

  •   a university entrance qualification (HZB)
  •   German HZB must be submitted at the latest when enrolling, foreign HZB must already be available when applying,
  •   German language skills (for applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification): at least level B1  at  the time of application (proof not older than one year),
  •   Level DSH-2 at the beginning of the course.

If your knowledge of German is not yet sufficient for the DSH exam, you can attend a DSH preparatory course at TU Kaiserslautern as a matriculated student. You can find more information on the VKB website.

Further information and links to the various application platforms can be found on the student administration website.

Information for first time students

BCI oder EVT?

The process-oriented bachelor's degree courses in Energy and Process Engineering (EVT) and Bio- and Chemical Engineering (BCI) are both courses with a focus on engineering. While EVT is still relatively close to the mechanical engineering Bachelor in terms of structure and module selection, BCI contains significantly more modules from the chemistry department and another block from the biology department. BCI is therefore an interdisciplinary course. With significantly less industrial internship and therefore teamwork, research work and a larger elective area, BCI also differs structurally from the department's other bachelor courses. You can find more information on our flyer.

How much business administration do you want?

Mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering with business administration, industrial engineering or business administration with technical qualifications? In order to make the selection easier, the departments of Mechanical and Process Engineering and Economics have designed a flyer that compares the different courses.