Chair of Machine Tools and Control Systems

M.Eng. Tapanta Bhanja

E-Mail: tapanta.bhanja(at)

Telefon: +49 631 205-5912

Raum: 42-268


Tapanta Bhanja studied Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (B.Tech) at SRM University in Chennai, India. In 2018, he started a Master's degree in Automotive Production Engineering at Ingolstadt University of Technology. In his master thesis, he dealt with the topic - "Using Uncertainties as a Query Strategy for Active Learning".  After the master thesis, he worked at German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) for two years. Since January 2023, he has been working as a research assistant at the Chair of Machine Tools and Controls.

Research Fields

Tapanta Bhanja is working on the theory and applications of neuromorphic computing for industrial robotics applications.

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