M. Sc. Yannik Sinnwell

Office adress
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 74 / Raum 137
67663 Kaiserslautern
Phone : +49 (0)631 205 3853
E-mail: yannik.sinnwell[at]rptu.de
Research topics
Main research project
„Autonomous and self-adapting, high-resolution 3D additive manufacturing by high energy impacts of fine particles" – within the framework of SPP2364
- Sinnwell Y., Nikolaus K., Antonyuk S.: Experimental investigation of the fracture characteristics of bicomponent agglomerates using in-situ X-ray tomography, 11th International Conference on Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids (CHoPS 2024), Edinburgh, UK, 2nd-4th of September, 2024.
- Sinnwell Y., Grohn P., Nikolaus K., Antonyuk S.: Experimentelle Untersuchung der Bruchcharakteristik von Agglomeraten aus Bikomponenten mittels In-situ Röntgentomografie, DECHEMA Fachgruppentreffen Zerkleinern und Klassieren 2024, Maintal, 20.02.-21.02.2024
- Sinnwell Y., Grohn P., Nikolaus K., Antonyuk S.: Experimental investigation of the microstructure and strength of bicomponent agglomerates, International Congress on Particle Technology 2023 (PARTEC), Nuremberg 26.09.-28.09.2023
- Sinnwell Y., Maksakov A., Bozoglu M., Nikolaus K., Antonyuk S.: Determination of operating parameters of a cold gaspraying process for high-resolution deposition of fine particles, International Congress on Particle Technology 2023 (PARTEC), Nuremberg 26.09.-28.09.2023
- Sinnwell Y., Maksakov A., Bozoglu M., Nikolaus K., Antonyuk S.: Experimental investigation of the spray characteristics of particles with different morphology for low pressure cold spray application, International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies 2023 (SMT 35), Hamburg 18.09-22.09.2023
- Sinnwell Y., Grohn P., Nikolaus K., Antonyuk S.: Experimentelle Untersuchung der Mikrostruktur und Festigkeit von Agglomeraten, DECHEMA Fachgruppentreffen Aggloemrations- und Schüttguttechnik 2023 (ProcessNet), Braunschweig 21.03-23.03.2023