M.Sc. Vanessa Puderbach


Office address

Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 44 / Room 4
67663 Kaiserslautern

Phone: +49 (0)631 205 2768
Fax: +49 (0)631 205 3055
E-Mail: vanessa.puderbach[at]mv.rptu.de

Responsibilities at the institute

Research topics 

Publications / Proceedings


  • Puderbach, V.; Schmidt, K.; Antonyuk, S.: A Coupled CFD-DEM Model for Resolved Simulation of Filter Cake Formation during Solid-Liquid Separation. In: Processes 9 (5), 2021. DOI: 10.3390/pr9050826.
  • Kerner, M., Schmidt, K., Schumacher, S., Puderbach, V., Asbach, C., Antonyuk, S., Evaluation of electrostatic properties of electret filters for aerosol deposition, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, DOI:10.1016/j.seppur.2020.116548


  • Puderbach, V.; Weirich, M.; Kirsch, R.; Köbler, J., Henkelmann, N.; Antonyuk, S.; Flow-induced Deformation of Nonwoven Filter Media: Experiments, Modeling and Simulation; Conference Proceeding, FILTECH 2023
  • Puderbach, V.; Weirich, M.; Kirsch, R.; Köbler, J., Henkelmann, N.; Antonyuk, S.; Strömungsinduzierte Verformung von Filtermedien, Experimentelle Untersuchung, Modellierung und Simulation; Posterbeitrag, Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Kristallisation, Grenzflächenbestimmte Systeme und Prozesse sowie Mechanische Flüssigkeitsabtrennung
  • Puderbach, V., Schmidt, K., Antonyuk, S.: Numerical and experimental investigation of filter cake formation during solid-liquid separation by resolved CFD-DEM coupling, Conference Proceeding, FILTECH 2019


  • Puderbach, V.; Kirsch, R.; Lykhachova, O.; Antonyuk, S.; Experimental Investigation and Numerical Simulation of Flow-induced Deformations of Filter Media, AFS FILTCON 2021, 20.04.2021
  • Puderbach, V.; Deshpande, R.; Kirsch, R.; Lykhachova, O.; Antonyuk, S.; Deformation von Filtermedien: Experimentelle Charakterisierung und 3D Simulation ihrer mechanischen Eigenschaften im Betrieb; Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen AGG, MFA, ZER 2021; 15.03.2021
  • Puderbach, V.: Experimentelle Charakterisierung und 3D Simulation der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Filtermedien, Industrieworkshop »Digitalisierung in der Trenntechnik«, 6.10. 2020
  • Puderbach, V., Schmidt, K., Antonyuk, S.: Numerical and experimental investigation of filter cake formation during solid-liquid separation by resolved CFD-DEM coupling, FILTECH 23.10.2019
  • Puderbach, V.: Aufgelöste CFD-DEM-Kopplung zur Simulation von Filterprozessen mit porösen Medien“ it4e Seminar, 19.09.2019

Supervised scientific projects

BA: Bachelor thesis; DA: Diploma thesis; MA: Master thesis; PA: Projekt work; SA; Study project; TA: Teamwork

  • Construction of a flow cell for the Investigation of the bending behaviour during the process (DA)
  • Experimental investigation of the mechanical characteristics of filter media (SA)
  • Experimental determination of filter resistances during pressure filtration (BA)
  • Direct Numerical Simulation of non-spherical Particles in a flat channel flow with CFD-DEM-Coupling (SA)