General information

As an institute at the RPTU Kaiserslautern, we contribute to a modern and practice-oriented engineering education. The scope of our teaching and learning methods includes traditional lecture formats, especially, participant-oriented seminars and planning exercises. It is a matter of course for us to provide an extensive multimedia learning environment.

The sustainable enhancement of skills is promoted through the integration of current production engineering trends and developments with the classroom activities. Building on our intensive contacts with industry partners, field trips as well as guest lecturers from commercial enterprises supplement the example applications presented in the classroom.

Our academic education programs are directed at future engineers in the areas of mechanical engineering, business sciences, and applied informatics. The priority subjects listed below exemplify the broad scope of our learning content:

  • Production Engineering
  • Manufacturing Technology
  • Product and Production Design
  • Automotive Engineering

The institute contributes to the teaching of interdisciplinary key qualifications by organizing student projects and internships. Being integrated in a global research and educational network allows us to actively shape the internationalization of student programs. Interested students have the chance to participate in an international student exchange program.

If you have any questions about teaching at the FBK, please contact fbk(at)


Student projects