Xiangqian Wu, M.Sc.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


Telefon: +49 631 205 5783

Telefax: +49 631 205 3304

E-Mail: xiangqian.wu(at)rptu.de


67663 Kaiserslautern

Gebäude 57
Raum 229


  • seit November 2021 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am FBK
  • Forschungsschwerpunkt: Digitale Technologien für Produktionssysteme




P. Schworm, X. Wu, M. Klar, M. Glatt, J.C. Aurich: Multi-objective Quantum Annealing approach for solving flexible job shop scheduling in manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 72 (2024): S. 142-153

P. Schworm, X. Wu, M. Wagner, S. Ehmsen, M. Glatt, J.C. Aurich: Energy supply scheduling in manufacturing systems using Quantum Annealing. Manufacturing Letters 38 (2023): S. 47-51 10.1016/j.mfglet.2023.09.005

P. Schworm, X. Wu, M. Klar, J. Gayer, M. Glatt, J.C. Aurich: Resilience optimization in manufacturing systems using Quantum Annealing. Manufacturing Letters 36 (2023): S. 13–17.

P. Schworm, X. Wu, M. Glatt, J.C. Aurich: Solving flexible job shop scheduling problems in manufacturing with Quantum Annealing. Production Engineering - Production Management (2022): DOI10.1007/s11740-022-01145-8

M. Klar, P. Schworm, X. Wu, M. Glatt, J.C. Aurich: Quantum Annealing based factory layout planning. Journal of Manufacturing Letters 32 (2022): S. 1-4.


X. Wu, L. Yi, M. Klar, M. Hussong, M. Glatt, J.C. Aurich: Intelligent Robotic Arm Path Planning (IRAP2) Framework to Improve Work Safety in Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) Workspace Using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) Algorithm. Proceedings of the International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (2022): S. 179-187.  10.1007/978-3-031-18326-3_18

L. Yi, X. Wu, M. Werrel, P. Schworm, W. Wei, M. Glatt ,J.C. Aurich: ervice provision process scheduling using quantum annealing for technical product-service systems. rocedia CIRP 116 - Proceedings of the 30th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Confference (2023): S. 30-335 10.1016/j.procir.2023.02.056

P. Schworm, X. Wu, M. Glatt, J.C. Aurich: Responsiveness to sudden disturbances in manufacturing through dynamic job shop scheduling using Quantum Annealing. Procedia CIRP 120 - Proceedings of the 56th CIRP International COnference on Manufacturing Systems (2023): S. 511-516 

X. Wu, P. Schworm, L. Yi, M. Glatt, J.C. Aurich: An approach to Quantum Annealing-based workforce assignment in manufacturing systems. Procedia CIRP 120 - Procedia of the 56th CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems (2023): S. Pages 1022-1027