Publications 2016
- M. Azimian, A. Reiter, H.-J. Bart, Computational investigation of impact attrition of particles, Powder Technology, 289 (2016) 169-181.
- S. S. Ashrafmansouri, S. Willersinn, M. Nasr Esfahany, H.-J. Bart Influence of Silica Nanoparticles on Mass Transfer in a Membrane-based Micro-Contactor, RSC Advances, 6 (2016) 19089-19097
- M. Azimian, H.-J. Bart, Numerical analysis of hydroabrasion in a hydrocyclone, Journal of Petroleum Science (2016) 13, 304-319.
- M. Azimian, H.-J. Bart, Computational analysis of erosion in a radial inflow steam turbine, Journal of Engineering Failure Analysis (2016) 64, 26-43.
- Hlawitschka M., Attarakih M., Al-Zyod S., Bart H-J, CFD based extraction column design: Chances and challenges, Chin. J. Chem. Eng. 24 (2016) 259-263.
- H. Gruber-Woelfler, Marie-G. Braunbruck, R. Laskowski, Peter W. Feenstra, Johannes G. Khinast, H.-J. Bart, Particle-loaded monolithic materials for separations via planar electrochromatography, J. of Planar Chromat. 29 (2016) 1, 15-21.
- Q. Bkour, N. Faqir, R. Shawabkeh, A. Ul-Hamid, H.-J. Bart, Synthesis of a Ca/Na-aluminosilicate from kaolin and limestone and its use for adsorption of CO2, J. of Env. Chem. Eng. 4 (2016) 973-983.
- F. Gebauer, M. W. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart, CFD aided investigation of single droplet coalescence, Chin. J. Chem. Eng. 24 (2016) 249-252
- T. Schwarzer, H.-J. Bart, Mass and Heat Transfer at Different Heat Exchange Surfaces and Their Suitability For Use in Thermal Desalination Plants, The Open Chem. Eng. J., 10 (2016) 3-18.
- S. Bachtler, H.-J. Bart, Extraction of anthocyanins using a laboratory robot and innovative extraction technologies”, Chem. Eng. & Techn. 39 (2016) 10, 1875-1883.
- C. Dreiser, H.-J. Bart, Falling film break-up and thermal performance of thin polymer film heat exchangers, Int. J. of Therm. Sci. 100 (2016) 138-144.
- S.S. Alzyod, M.M. Attarakih, Hans-Jörg Bart, The Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments (SQMOM): An extension to nonhomogeneous bivariate population balances, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 115 (2016) 195-203.
- S.S. Alzyod, M.M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, Dynamic Modelling of Kuhni Liquid Extraction Columns using the Sectional Quadrature Method Of Moments (SQMOM), Computers & Chemical Engineering, 94 (2016) 331-342.
- S.S. Alzyod, M.M. Attarakih, A. Hasseine, H.-J. Bart, Population Balance Modelling of Liquid Extraction Columns using the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments (SQMOM), Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 38 (2016) 427-43.
- M.W. Hlawitschka, M.M. Attarakih, S.S. Alzyod, H.-J. Bart, CFD based extraction column design - Chances and challenges, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24 (2016) 259-263.
- S. Bachtler, H.-J. Bart, Extraction of Anthocyanins Using a Laboratory Robot and Innovative Extraction Technologies, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Volume 39, Issue 10, October, 2016, Pages 1875–1883, DOI: 10.1002/ceat.201600087.
- F. Gebauer, J. Villwock, M. Kraume, H.-J. Bart, „Detailed analysis of single drop coalescence—Influence of ions on film drainage and coalescence time”, Chem. Eng. Re. Des. 115 (2016) Part B, p. 282-291.
- F. Gebauer, J. Villwock, M. Kraume, H.-J. Bart, „Prädiktiver Ansatz zur Beschreibung von Koaleszenzereignissen”, Chem. Ing. Techn. 88 (2016) 9, 1287.
- J. Villwock, F. Gebauer, H.-J. Bart, M. Kraume, „Vom Einzeltropfen zum Tropfenschwarm – Systematische Analyse der Koaleszenz in Flüssig/Flüssig-Systemen bei Ionenzugabe ”, Chem. Ing. Techn. 88 (2016) 9, p. 1299-1300.
- M. W. Hlawitschka, J. Schäfer, M. Hummel, C. Garth, H.-J. Bart, Populationsbilanzmodellierung mit einem Mehrphasen-CFD-Code und vergleichende Visualisierung, Chem. Ing. Techn. 88 (10) 2016, 1480-1491, 10.1002/cite.201600006.
- M. W. Hlawitschka, S. Drefenstedt, H.-J. Bart, Local Analysis of CO2 Chemisorption in a Rectangular Bubble Column Using a Multiphase Euler-Euler CFD Code, J. Chem. Eng. Process. Technol. 7:300. doi:10.4172/2157-7048.1000300.
- M. W. Hlawitschka, S. Drefenstedt, H.-J. Bart, Neues CFD-Modell zur Beschreibung reaktiver Blasensäulen mit pH-Wert Änderung, 88, 1292. 2016. 10.1002/cite.201650113.
- M.W. Hlawitschka, P. Kováts, K. Zähringer, H.-J. Bart, Simulation and Experimental Validation of Reactive Bubble Column Reactors, Chem. Eng. Sci, (2016) accepted.
- J. Steinhoff, M.W. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart, CFD-basierte Auslegung von Schwerkraftabscheidern mit der Untersuchung von dichten Dispersionen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 88 (2016) 1302. doi:10.1002/cite.201650101i.
- C. Korb, H.-J. Bart, Validierung von Tropfenzerfallsmodellen bei der Reaktivextraktion. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 88 (2016) 1294-1295.
- M. Lichti, H.-J. Bart, Partikelmesstechnik in der Fluidverfahrenstechnik. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 88 (2016) 1281. DOI: 10.1002/cite.201650456.
- M. Lichti, H.-J. Bart, Online-Charakterisierung von Mehrphasenströmungen im Durchlicht. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 88 (2016) 1292-1293.
- N. Bajcinca, H.-J. Bart, M. Lichti, Optimierung von partikulären Prozessen durch aktive Regelung. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 88 (2016) 1292-1293.
- S. Pohl, M. Madzgalla, W. Manz, H.-J. Bart, Biofouling an technischen Polymeren in flusswassergespeisten Kühlsystemen, Chem Ing Techn 88 (2016) 9, 1320.
- S. Pohl, M. Madzgalla, W. Manz, H.-J. Bart, Inline-Messung von Foulingschichtdicken bei Polymerwärmeübertragern, Chem Ing Techn 88 (2016) 9, 1292.
- S. Pohl, M. Madzgalla, W. Manz, H.-J. Bart, E. coli biofilm characteristics on polymeric heat exchanger surfaces, Chem Eng Techn (2016) submitted.
- S. Pohl, M. Madzgalla, W. Manz, H.-J. Bart, Interaction of E coli and native biofilms with polymer surfaces for heat transfer applications, Biofouling (2016) submitted.
- J. Steinhoff, M.W. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart, CFD-basierte Auslegung von Schwerkraftabscheidern mit der Untersuchung von dichten Dispersionen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 88 (2016) 1302. doi:10.1002/cite.201650101
- A. Weber, H.-J. Bart, Modellierung ellipsoider Blasen im Euler-Lagrange-Ansatz. In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 88 (2016) 9, S. 1279–1280.
- S. Willersinn, H.-J. Bart, Reactive Extraction and Critical Raw Materials: Industrial Recovery of Tungsten, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, (2016) accepted.
- S. Willersinn, H.-J. Bart, Kinetics of Ge(IV) extraction using a microstructured membrane contactor, Int. J. Chem. Kinetics 48 (2016) 10, DOI: 10.1002/kin.21019.
- S.S. Ashrafmansouri, S. Willersinn, M. N. Esfahany, H.-J. Bart, Influence of silica nanoparticles on mass transfer in a membrane-based micro-contactor, RSC Adv 6 (2016) 23, 19089, DOI: 10.1039/c5ra26056f
- K.K. Singh, F. Gebauer, H.-J. Bart, Bouncing of a bubble at a liquid-liquid interface, AIChE J. (2016), accepted
- A. Lammerskötter, H. Seggert, B. Matthäus, M. Raß, H.-J. Bart, Rapeseed hull oil as a source for phytosterols and their separation by organic solvent nanofiltration, Europ. J. of Lipid Sci. and Techn., (2016) DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201600090.
- M. Azimian, P. Schmitt, H.-J. Bart, FEM-SPH coupling method for modeling of surface deformation by the high-speed impacts, J. Comp. and Struct., (2016) submitted.
- M. Azimian, H.-J. Bart, Computational analysis of erosion of in a radial inflow steam turbine, Eng. Fail. Anal. 64 (2016) 26-43.
- M. Azimian, H.-J. Bart, Numerical analysis of hydroabrasion in a hydrocyclone, Pet. Sci. 13 (2016) 304-319.
- C. Dreiser, H.-J. Bart, Falling film break-up and thermal performance of thin polymer film heat exchangers, Int. J. of Therm. Sci., 100 (2016) 138-144.
- M. Azimian, H.-J. Bart, Numerical investigation of particle rebound characteristics with FEM, under review at the Particulogy Journal (2016).
- S.S. Alzyod, M.M. Attarakih, A. Hasseine, H.-J. Bart, Steady state modeling of Kühni liquid extraction column using the Spatially Mixed Sectional Quadrature Method Of Moments (SM-SQMOM), Chem. Eng. Res. and Des., 117 (2017) 549-556.
- S.S. Alzyod, M.M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, Detailed Mathematical Modeling of an RDC Liquid Extraction Column using the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments (SQMOM), J. Appl. Math. Mod., (2016) submitted.
- M. Azimian, P. Schmitt, H.-J. Bart, FEM-SPH coupling method for modeling the surface deformation by high-speed impacts, under review at the Intern. J. of Impact Eng. (2016).
- S.K. Henninger, S.-J. Ernst, L. Gordeeva, P. Bendix, D. Fröhlich, A.D. Grekova, L. Bonaccorsi, Y. Aristov, J. Jaenchen, New Materials for adsorption heat transformation and storage. Renewable Energy. (2016) In Press.
- S.-J. Ernst, F. Jeremias, H.-J. Bart, S.K. Henninger, Methanol adsorption on HKUST-1 coatings obtained by Thermal Gradient Deposition (TGD). Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, (2016) in press DOI: 10.102/acs.iecr.6303637.