Chair of Separation Science and Technology

Alexander Keller

M.Sc. in Energy- and Process engineering

Postal address

Building: 44, Room: 473
67663 Kaiserslautern

office hours

Mon-Thu   08:00 - 16:00 O `clock

Fri   08:00 - 14:00 O `clock

Function at the chair

  • Supervision of Studies and Diploma Projects
  • Teaching

Research topics

  • Solvent extraction
  • Fouling on technical surfaces


  • ZIM- KoVeRü

Studies and Diploma Projects

  • T. Griesser (2019): "Recycling of Cobalt from LIB leaching solution by Cyanex 301", Projektarbeit
  • S. Di Nonno (in process): "Untersuchung von Gleichgewicht und Kinetik von Cyanex 272 an synthetischen LIB Leaching Lösungen", Projektarbeit

  • F. Tekin (in process): "Setup and Commissioning of a Pulsed Extraction Column", bachelor thesis

Current offerings can be found on: available projects and on the billboard of the chair. Further projects are usually available on request.


  • C. Korb, A. Keller, H.-J. Bart: Reactive Zinc Extraction with D2EHPA in a Kühni Miniplant Column, Chem. Eng. Tech., DOI: 10.1002/ceat.201800239

  • A. Keller, C. Korb, H.-J. Bart: Gleichgewicht und Stofftransport bei der Reaktivextraktion für technisch relevante Applikationen, Chem. Ing. Tech. 90 (9) 2018, 1177, DOI: 10.1002/cite.201855100


  • A. Keller, H.-J. Bart (2018), Biofouling und Antifouling an technischen Oberflächen, docotoral seminar, 30.-31.07.2018, Landau


If you're interested in these work and publications please do not hesitate to contact the author.