Lehrstuhl für Virtuelle Produktentwicklung (VPE)


MOLLAHASSANI, D., JURESA, Y., EICKHOFF, T., GÖBEL, J.C., "Ansatz zur Kollaboration in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk-zentrierten Innovationsprozessen Smarter Produkte" In: SSP 2023 Proceedings Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung, Stuttgart, Germany, 25 May 2023, http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-13131

EHEMANN, T., FORTE, S., GÖBEL, J.C.: „Digital Integration-Twins using Mixed Reality for smart Product Integration in the context of System of Systems”, 33rd CIRP Design Conference, Procedia CIRP, Volume 119, 2023, pp. 828-833. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2023.03.128

GÖBEL, J.: Keynote Beitrag, Sandvik Coromant Manufacturing Summit 2023, Stuttgart „Wege zu mehr Schnelligkeit bei Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit in der Fertigungsindustrie“.

MOLLAHASSANI, D., GÖBEL, J.C. “Systems Engineering Approach supporting Knowledge-based Collaboration within Value Creation Networks during the Innovation Phase and SysML v2 based Realization.” OMG Meeting Orlando, 20. Jun. 2023

MOLLAHASSANI, D., EICKHOFF, T., JURESA, Y. and GÖBEL, J.C.: “Knowledge Collaboration Approach in Smart Product Innovation Networks”, 33rd CIRP Design Conference, Sydney, Australia, 17.-19. Mai 2023, Procedia CIRP, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2023.02.158

MOLLAHASSANI, D., BOSSE. R., GÖEBL, J.C.: “Analysis of SysML-based Product Development Collaborations in Cross-Company Value Creation Networks” prostep ivip SYMPOSIUM 2023

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